Gameplay 8 Menit Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Gameplay 8 Minutes Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Setelah trailernya sempat muncul ke permukaan, majalah Jepang Dengeki Online hari ini berikan video 8 menit demo game terbaru Bandai Namco dan Dimps, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.
Jika kamu pernah memainkan game Sword Art Online sebelumnya, maka kamu akan mendapatkan gameplay yang kurang lebih sama seperti seri terdahulunya di Fatal Bullet. Hal yang membuatnya berbeda adalah gameplay yang mereka usung menjadi third-person-shooter yang sesungguhnya. Maksud kami “sesungguhnya” adalah benar-benar menggunakan senapan di gamenya.
After the trailer had surfaced, Japanese magazine Dengeki Online today gave a 8-minute video of Bandai Namco's latest demo game and Dimps, Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.
If you've ever played a Sword Art Online game before, you'll get the same gameplay as the previous series in Fatal Bullet. The thing that makes it different is the gameplay that they stretcher into the real third-person-shooter. Our point "really" is to actually use the rifle in the game.
If you've ever played a Sword Art Online game before, you'll get the same gameplay as the previous series in Fatal Bullet. The thing that makes it different is the gameplay that they stretcher into the real third-person-shooter. Our point "really" is to actually use the rifle in the game.
Dengeki Online mengatakan bahwa di versi demo-nya kamu hanya akan bisa menggunakan Shinon dan Kirito saja untuk menyusuri dunia Gun Gale Online. Kemungkinan kamu akan bisa mengendalikan karakter lain setelah gamenya dirilis nanti. Kamu akan tergabung dalam satu grup yang terdiri dari empat orang, dimana ketiga orang lain selain dirimu akan dikendalikan oleh AI dan akan menyerang secara otomatis sesuai kemampuannya masing-masing.
Dalam gameplaynya ditunjukkan bahwa musuhmu tidak hanya monster saja, namun terdapat musuh humanoid seperti Automaton Army Assault yang juga tersebar di penjuru dunianya. Kamu juga akan menjumpai beberapa boss yang muncul di gamenya.
Setiap karakter memiliki kemampuan yang berbeda-beda, Shinon misalnya dengan sniper, SMG, dan kemampuan grappling hooknya yang tidak hanya mampu menembak musuh dari jarak jauh, namun juga mampu meraih tempat-tempat yang sulit dijangkau. Sementara Kirito tetap menggunakan pedangnya yang mampu menebas musuhnya dengan secepat kilat, serangannya juga bisa dikombinasikan dengan handgun yang dimilikinya. Layaknya Shinon, ia juga mampu menggunakan grappling hook untuk mencapai tempat yang sulit dijangkau dengan cepat.
Dengeki Online says that in his demo version you will only be able to use Shinon and Kirito alone to navigate the world of Gun Gale Online. Chances are you will be able to control other characters after the game is released later. You will belong to a group of four people, in which the three others besides you will be controlled by AI and will attack automatically according to their respective abilities.
In the gameplay it is shown that your enemy is not only a monster, but there are enemies of humanoid like Automaton Army Assault which also spread all over his world. You will also find some bosses that appear in the game.
Each character has different abilities, Shinon for example with sniper, SMG, and hooknya grappling ability that not only able to shoot enemies from a distance, but also able to reach places that are difficult to reach. While Kirito keeps using his sword that is able to cut his enemy with lightning speed, his attacks can also be combined with his handgun. Like Shinon, he is also able to use the grappling hook to reach a place that is difficult to reach quickly.
Perlu kamu ketahui, video gameplay di atas bisa berubah setelah gamenya dirilis tahun 2018 mendatang. Namun setidaknya kamu bisa mengetahui gambaran umum gameplay Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet.
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet akan dirilis di PC, PlayStation 4, dan Xbox One suatu saat nanti di tahun 2018 mendatang.
You need to know, the video gameplay above can change after the game was released in 2018. But at least you can know the general description of Sword Art Online gameplay: Fatal Bullet.
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet will be released on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One sometime in 2018.
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