Modchip “Bajakan” PS4 MTX Key Ternyata Hanya Lampu
Modchip "Pirated" PS4 MTX Key It Turns Only Lamp
Kabar akan adanya modchip bernama PS4 MTX Key menjadi angin segar bagi pembajak. Modchip ini mampu berikan fitur family sharing tanpa batas. Kamu hanya perlu menggunakan satu akun dengan lisensi game digital yang banyak, pasang modchip ini, ikuti tutorialnya, dan voila! Kamu bisa melakukan family sharing tanpa batas di akun PS4 lain. Berkat promosinya, MTX Key yang dibanderol sekitar 600 ribu hingga 1 juta rupiah ini meroket popularitasnya, terlebih pada gamer bajakan. Kemampuan modchip ini kemudian diblokir oleh Sony melalui update firmware 4.73. Uniknya, ketika ditelusuri lebih lanjut, seorang user YouTube sekaligus penghuni forum psxhax dari Rusia membuktikan bahwa modchip yang sedang naik daun tersebut 100% palsu.
The news will be a modchip named PS4 MTX Key to fresh air for hijackers. Modchip is able to provide family sharing features without limits. You only need to use one account with many digital game licenses, install this modchip, follow the tutorial, and voila! You can do unlimited family sharing on other PS4 accounts. Thanks to its promotion, MTX Key is priced around 600 thousand to 1 million dollars is skyrocketing in popularity, especially in pirated gamers. This modchip capability is then blocked by Sony through the 4.73 firmware update. Uniquely, when further explored, a YouTube user as well as a resident of the psxhax forum from Russia proves that the rising modchip is 100% fake.
Dilansir dari pengakuan user bernama Maestr0 di forum psxhax, ia membuktikan bahwa modchip tersebut hanya lampu biasa. Maestr0-pun menambahkan bahwa, bukan karena modchip PS4 MTX Key yang membuat PS4 bisa “dibajak”, namun karena celah bug yang ada di firmware 4.70-4.72 milik PS4 yang kini telah ditutup oleh Sony di 4.73. Ia menjelaskan bahwa metode “pembajakan” tersebut sangat simpel, ia hanya perlu melepas dan menyambung koneksi kabel internet ke PS4 dan melakukan cara yang sama persis seperti cara yang diberikan video PS4 MTX Key dari China. Hasilnya? Bisa kamu lihat sendiri di video di bawah, Maestr0 berhasil melakukannya tanpa menggunakan PS4 MTX Key sama sekali.
Reporting from the recognition of a user named Maestr0 in the forum psxhax, he proved that the modchip is just a regular light. Maestr0-added that, not because of PS4 MTX Key modchip that makes the PS4 can be "hijacked", but because of bug loopholes in the firmware 4.70-4.72 PS4 which has now been closed by Sony in 4.73. He explained that the method of "piracy" is very simple, it just needs to disconnect and connect the cable internet connection to PS4 and do the exact same way as the way given video PS4 MTX Key from China. The result? Can you see yourself in the video below, Maestr0 managed to do it without using the PS4 MTX Key at all.
The essence of the method is simple! The method worked only on firmware 4.70-4.72
Activate the account in the game, then go to the Deactivate section, but do not click “Yes”. We disconnect the LAN cable, we get the dns error. At the moment, ps4 is on defense, because the connection is disabled when deactivated.
On the account control panel, ps4 remains suspended on the account, but in games we get locks. Then again go to the deactivation section, click again to disable (yes, do not click).
We turn on the LAN cable, wait 5 seconds to connect to the Internet and click “Yes”. As a result, the activation signal can be received in a couple of seconds – than PS4 sends a deactivation request when the “Yes” button is pressed.
In the control panel we receive a free account – we sent a deactivation signal. And games without locks – since we received a signal from the server that our account was activated on this subject.
What did MTX-key do? Nothing! They just burned the light bulb when we got a connection to the server, and only after that it was necessary to click the “Yes” button. This is an indicator that reacts to interference.
How to win on my video, I just count 5 seconds
Sorry for the bad translation
Activate the account in the game, then go to the Deactivate section, but do not click “Yes”. We disconnect the LAN cable, we get the dns error. At the moment, ps4 is on defense, because the connection is disabled when deactivated.
On the account control panel, ps4 remains suspended on the account, but in games we get locks. Then again go to the deactivation section, click again to disable (yes, do not click).
We turn on the LAN cable, wait 5 seconds to connect to the Internet and click “Yes”. As a result, the activation signal can be received in a couple of seconds – than PS4 sends a deactivation request when the “Yes” button is pressed.
In the control panel we receive a free account – we sent a deactivation signal. And games without locks – since we received a signal from the server that our account was activated on this subject.
What did MTX-key do? Nothing! They just burned the light bulb when we got a connection to the server, and only after that it was necessary to click the “Yes” button. This is an indicator that reacts to interference.
How to win on my video, I just count 5 seconds
Sorry for the bad translation
Ironisnya, modchip palsu yang dijual kisaran 600 ribu hingga 1 juta ini ternyata memang hanya sebuah lampu biasa dan tidak membantu apapun dalam proses tersebut. Pingin “bajakan” dengan uang 600 ribu sampai 1 juta?
Ironically, the false modchip sold for 600 thousand to 1 million is apparently just an ordinary light and does not help anything in the process. Pingin "pirated" with money 600 thousand to 1 million?
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