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"God Eater: Resonant Ops" Resmi Diumumkan Untuk Android dan iOS

"God Eater: Resonant Ops" Officially Announced For Android and iOS

Melalui event live stream bernama "God Eater New Information Announcemnet Broadcast Event in God Eater Orchestra Live" Bandai Namco telah mengumumkan beberapa proyek video game God Eater yang akan dihadirkan dalam waktu dekat. Tidak hanya God Eater 3, Bandai Namco juga tidak akan melupakan para gamer mobile menanti kehadiran seri terbaru God Eater.

Berjudul God Eater: Resonant Ops, game tersebut akan memiliki genre RPG dan Bandai Namco memastikan akan tersedia gratis untuk Android dan iOS yang tentu saja dengan adanya micro-transactions. Saat ini, God Eater: Resonant Ops sudah membuka tahap pra-registrasi. Jika kamu berminat untuk memainkannya, kamu bisa melakukan pra-registrasi di sini. 


Through a live stream event called "God Eater New Information Announcemnet Broadcast Event in God Eater Orchestra Live" Bandai Namco has announced a number of God Eater game video projects that will be presented in the near future. Not only God Eater 3, Bandai Namco also will not forget the mobile gamers waiting for the presence of God Eater's latest series.

Entitled God Eater: Resonant Ops, the game will have the RPG genre and Bandai Namco sure will be available free for Android and iOS which of course with the existence of micro-transactions. Currently, God Eater: Resonant Ops has already opened the pre-registration stage. If you are interested to play it, you can pre-register here.


Pra-registrasi tersebut akan memberikanmu hadiah berupa tiket gacha serta karakter Alisa jika jumlah pemain yang melakukan pra-registrasi menembus angka 100.000 pemain.

Sayangnya, Bandai Namco belum mengumumkan kapan God Eater: Resonant Ops akan dirilis. Jika sudah memasuki tahap pra-registrasi, kemungkinan jadwal rilis tidak akan lama lagi.


Pre-registration will give you a gift of gacha tickets and Alisa characters if the number of players who pre-register through 100,000 players.

Unfortunately, Bandai Namco has not announced when God Eater: Resonant Ops will be released. If you have entered the pre-registration stage, the possibility of release schedule will not be long anymore.

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