Fist of Rage : Tinju Amarah
👧 Chika adalah seorang ilmuwan yang pintar dan cantik, namun sedikit pemalu. Dia membuat vaksin untuk melawan virus yang dihasilkan dalam limbah berbahaya yang disebarkan oleh Evil Corporation. Dengan pengetahuan ini, Korporasi tersebut mencoba mencuri riset Chika untuk keuntungan mereka sendiri.
🥊Bertarung - 🔫Menembak - 🤜Memukul musuh-musuh dengan keterampilan bela diri, senjata dan kepala botak yang gagah. Hampiri musuh-musuh seperti Drone, Punks dan Evil Corporation.
Lawan variasi bos musuh dan kalahkan mereka dengan 👊TINJU AMARAH💢!
🚧 Platforming and Exploration
🔥 Exciting Fighting Mechanics
🎮 Solid Controls
☠️ Challenging Boss Battles
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Fist of Rage : Tinju Amarah
Size : 65 MB
Blog CH Daimon Z
Deddy is a retired MMA / UFC fighter, escaping from his past, he fights especially for young people affected by medical and cancer diseases - caused by hazardous waste from secret organizations.
👧 Chika is a smart and beautiful scientist, but a little shy. He made a vaccine against the virus produced in hazardous waste propagated by Evil Corporation. With this knowledge, the Corporations are trying to steal Chika's research for their own benefit.
🥊Fighting - 🔫Snooting - 🤜Tacking enemies with martial skills, weapons and a mighty bald head. Hampiri enemies like Drone, Punks and Evil Corporation.
Fight against enemy bosses and defeat them by 👊TINJU AMARAH💢!
🚧 Platforming and Exploration
🔥 Exciting Fighting Mechanics
🎮 Solid Controls
☠️ Challenging Boss Battles
🔐 Unlockables & Collectibles
🔺 Upgrade & Customize Your Hero
💰 Option to go Premium with no Ads