Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Segera Hadirkan Indonesia Sebagai DLC Terbarunya
Sid Meier's Civilization VI Coming Soon As Indonesia's Latest DLC
Indonesia akan hadir di Civilization VI sebagai DLC.
Firaxis dan 2K Games umumkan bahwa mereka akan segera rilis DLC terbaru game eksklusif PC, Sid Meier’s Civilization VI. Pada DLC terbarunya kali ini, mereka akan hadirkan peradaban Indonesia yang dipimpin oleh Dyah Gitarja.
Trailernya tunjukkan apa saja yang Indonesia miliki di Sid Meier’s Civilization VI, mulai dari kemampuan Dyah Gitarja bernama “Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds” yang akan berikan faith tambahan ke kota-kota pesisir Indonesia, berikan diskon faith untuk unit angkatan laut, dan hilangkan embark/disembark movement dari unit-unit religius. Sementara, Indonesia miliki kemampuan unik lain yang disebut “Great Nusantara” yang akan berikan bonus adjacency untuk Campus, Holy Site, Industrial Zone, dan Theater Square di beberapa wilayah.
Indonesia will be present in Civilization VI as DLC.
Firaxis and 2K Games announced that they will soon release the latest PC exclusive game DLC, Sid Meier's Civilization VI. In this latest DLC, they will present Indonesian civilization led by Dyah Gitarja.
The trailer shows you what Indonesia has in Sid Meier's Civilization VI, starting with Dyah Gitarja's abilities named "Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds" which will provide additional faith to the coastal cities of Indonesia, provide discount faith for the naval unit, and remove the embark / disembark movement of religious units. Meanwhile, Indonesia has another unique capability called "Great Nusantara" which will provide adjacency bonus for Campus, Holy Site, Industrial Zone, and Theater Square in some areas.
Firaxis and 2K Games announced that they will soon release the latest PC exclusive game DLC, Sid Meier's Civilization VI. In this latest DLC, they will present Indonesian civilization led by Dyah Gitarja.
The trailer shows you what Indonesia has in Sid Meier's Civilization VI, starting with Dyah Gitarja's abilities named "Exalted Goddess of the Three Worlds" which will provide additional faith to the coastal cities of Indonesia, provide discount faith for the naval unit, and remove the embark / disembark movement of religious units. Meanwhile, Indonesia has another unique capability called "Great Nusantara" which will provide adjacency bonus for Campus, Holy Site, Industrial Zone, and Theater Square in some areas.
Indonesia miliki unit unik bernama Jong, sebuah kapal khas Indonesia yang menggantikan Frigate. Jong akan tambahkan movement tambahan untuk semua unit yang berada di sekitarnya, unit ini akan bertambah kuat jika ada dalam formasi, jadi kamu bisa memanfaatkan kemampuan unit ini untuk mengatur strategi demi mengalahkan musuh-musuhmu. Tidak hanya itu saja, Indonesia juga miliki bangunan unik bernama “The Kampung”. Bangunan ini dapat dibangun di pesisir lautan dan akan menambahkan housing, production, dan food ekstra untuk tiap kapal nelayan yang kamu miliki.
Indonesia has a unique unit called Jong, a typical Indonesian ship that replaces Frigate. Jong will add additional movement to all surrounding units, this unit will get stronger if there is in the formation, so you can take advantage of this unit's ability to set strategy to defeat your enemies. Not only that, Indonesia also has a unique building called "The Kampung". This building can be built on the shore of the ocean and will add additional housing, production, and food for every fishing boat you have.
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