HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories 1.6 - Game Android
Asli pertanian dan kehidupan simulasi permainan yang memulai ini semua ini sekarang tersedia di Android dengan pengalaman Harvest Moon penuh dan cerita asli!
Ditugaskan dengan pekerjaan Revitalisasi Pertanian, Anda akan perlu untuk berteman dengan penduduk desa di kota untuk membuka benih kenangan!
Anda mungkin mendapatkan satu dengan memberikan villager item favorit mereka, penangkapan ikan raksasa, atau dengan menaikkan sapi pertama Anda!
● Tumbuh berbagai tanaman, bunga dan pohon! Lihat jika Anda dapat menemukan jenis mutasi yang baru!
● Meningkatkan ternak seperti sapi, domba, dan ayam!
● Mengambil kuda Anda untuk bertamasya di sekitar kota!
● mengurus hewan peliharaan seperti anjing terpercaya Anda!
● Dengan 10 menikah calon - 5 guys dan 5 gals - semua orang akan mampu menemukan yang khusus seseorang yang mereka Cari!
● Upgrade perangkat untuk menemukan item kualitas tertinggi!
● Berpartisipasi dalam kontes dan berbintang malam Festival dan Festival seperti memasak kontes!
● Cook, ikan, hijauan dan tambang untuk isi hati Anda!
Harvest Moon selalu tentang membangun kehidupan yang sukses, yang berarti menjalankan sebuah peternakan yang sukses, dan juga membangun kehidupan yang bermakna dengan teman dan keluarga. Hal ini sepenuhnya terserah Anda pada bagaimana Anda mencapai itu!
HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories 1.6
Size : 23 MB
Blog CH Daimon Z
D o w n l o a d
Install OBB :
Extrak File HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories OBB, Lalu
Letakan Di Folder Android => OBB
Jika Tidak Ada Folder OBB Kalian Bisa Membuat Foldernya Sendiri
Extrak File HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories OBB, Then Put
In Android Folder => OBB If No OBB Folder You Can Make Your Own Folder
Size : 90 MB
The original farming and life simulation game that started it all is now available on Android with a full Harvest Moon experience and original story!
Tasked with the job of revitalizing a farm, you'll need to befriend the villagers in town to unlock the Seeds of Memories!
You might get one by giving a villager their favorite item, catching a giant fish, or by raising your first cow!
● Grow a variety of crops, flowers, and trees! See if you can discover new kinds of mutations!
● Raise livestock like cows, sheep, and chickens!
● Take your horse for a jaunt around town!
● Take care of pets like your trusty dog!
● With 10 marriageable candidates -- 5 guys and 5 gals -- everyone will be able to find that special someone they're looking for!
● Upgrade your tools to find the highest-quality items!
● Participate in contests and festivals like the Cooking Contest and Starry Night Festival!
● Cook, fish, forage, and mine to your heart’s content!
Harvest Moon has always been about building a successful life, which means running a successful farm, and also building a meaningful life with friends and family. It is completely up to you on how you accomplish that!
Install OBB :
Extrak File HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories OBB, Lalu
Letakan Di Folder Android => OBB
Jika Tidak Ada Folder OBB Kalian Bisa Membuat Foldernya Sendiri
Extrak File HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories OBB, Then Put
In Android Folder => OBB If No OBB Folder You Can Make Your Own Folder
HARVEST MOON:Seeds Of Memories OBB
Tasked with the job of revitalizing a farm, you'll need to befriend the villagers in town to unlock the Seeds of Memories!
You might get one by giving a villager their favorite item, catching a giant fish, or by raising your first cow!
● Raise livestock like cows, sheep, and chickens!
● Take your horse for a jaunt around town!
● Take care of pets like your trusty dog!
● With 10 marriageable candidates -- 5 guys and 5 gals -- everyone will be able to find that special someone they're looking for!
● Upgrade your tools to find the highest-quality items!
● Participate in contests and festivals like the Cooking Contest and Starry Night Festival!
● Cook, fish, forage, and mine to your heart’s content!
Harvest Moon has always been about building a successful life, which means running a successful farm, and also building a meaningful life with friends and family. It is completely up to you on how you accomplish that!