‘Inazuma Eleven Ares’ Akan Rilis untuk PS4, Switch, iOS, Android
'Inazuma Eleven Ares' to Release for PS4, Switch, iOS, Android
Dalam livestream bulanan Inazuma Walker episode ke-8, Level-5 akhirnya mengumumkan bahwa “Inazuma Eleven Ares” akan rilis untuk PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, dan Android. Selain itu, mereka juga menayangkan video gameplay perdana.
Game-nya didesain agar orang yang tidak menikmati game sepak bola bisa menikmati game bertemakan sepak bola ini. Game-nya akan tetap menghadiran elemen strategi dari sepak bola tetapi mudah untuk digunakan dan dipahami. Level-5 juga menjanjikan grafisnya akan jauh lebih indah daripada yang diperlihatkan kali ini. Level-5 masih memikirkan bagiamana kontrolnya bisa dinikmati oleh semua orang. Tema kali ini adalah menyoroti masing-masing karakter sesuai dengan penampilannya di anime.
In the monthly livestream of Inazuma Walker episode 8, Level-5 finally announced that "Inazuma Eleven Ares" will release for PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, iOS, and Android. In addition, they also aired the inaugural gameplay video.
His game is designed so that people who do not enjoy football games can enjoy this soccer-themed game. His games will still feature strategic elements of football but are easy to use and understand. Level-5 also promises the graphics will be far more beautiful than the one shown this time. Level-5 is still thinking about how its control can be enjoyed by everyone. The theme this time is highlighting each character in accordance with its appearance in the anime.
His game is designed so that people who do not enjoy football games can enjoy this soccer-themed game. His games will still feature strategic elements of football but are easy to use and understand. Level-5 also promises the graphics will be far more beautiful than the one shown this time. Level-5 is still thinking about how its control can be enjoyed by everyone. The theme this time is highlighting each character in accordance with its appearance in the anime.
Selain itu, Level-5 juga mengumumkan kejutan untuk seputar seri Inazuma Eleven:
- Festival yang bernama Inazuma Eleven Big Easter akan diadakan pada tanggal 21 Januari 2018 di Tokyo Big Sight.
- Inazuma Eleven Reloaded, yang merupakan Another Episode 27 dari Inazuma Eleven, akan ditayangkan. Berikut adalah cuplikannya.
- Episode pertama dari Inazuma Eleven Ares akan ditayangkan. Berikut adalah cuplikannya.
- Level-5 akan menayangkan 5 episode arc Football Frontier dari seri anime Inazuma Eleven setiap bulannya. Kalian akan bisa menyaksikannya di channel YouTube Level-5 (Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) dan Corocoro (Episode 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), serta Anime Teleto. Setiap episode dilengkapi dengan kata kunci yang bisa digunakan untuk mendapatkan wallpaper dan gambar rahasia. 5 Episode pertama ini hanya tersedia hingga tanggal 20 November.
In addition, Level-5 also announced a surprise for the Inazuma Eleven series:
- The festival named Inazuma Eleven Big Easter will be held on January 21, 2018 at Tokyo Big Sight.
- Inazuma Eleven Reloaded, which is Another Episode 27 of Inazuma Eleven, will air. Here is the snippet.
- The first episode of Inazuma Eleven Ares will be aired. Here is the snippet.
- Level-5 will feature 5 episodes of Football Frontier arc of the anime series Inazuma Eleven each month. You will be able to watch it on the YouTube channel Level-5 (Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) and Corocoro (Episodes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5), and Anime Teleto. Each episode comes with keywords that can be used to get wallpapers and secret images. The first 5 episodes are only available until November 20th.